Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Crafty Previews!

So to get things going we thought we would post some of our favorite crafts from this past school year!  We hope you enjoy them!

First off we have our Happy Gnome Hill.......

Gnome Closeup

We had each one of our kids make a gnome, a mushroom, or a tree.  Then we put them all together to make our little gnome community!

Next Up we have our Fabric United States of America.....Our idea was an enlarged version of this:

Which after hours of cutting, placing and ironing ended up looking like this:
We used an old cork board and a sheet for our background.....and yes we noticed Michigan's Upper Peninsula should not be attached-whoops!  Then we stenciled "America the Beautiful" onto fabric and ironed it on!
 This next craft gives us a headache every year....but we keep continuing to do it!  They always turn out so cool!
We call them our "yarn orbs" found originally from Family Fun's website under "Yarn Eggs."  There are always a few that don't quite turn out right!

And our latest creation was our "Birds on a Wire" art mural....the biggest challenge here was getting it to stick to the wall!
We had our kids each create some birds from scrapbook paper and stencils to add to our telephone wire

Our Poles
A close up of some birds!
So there you have it!  Stay tuned for our summer crafts with more detailed pictures and instructions!

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