Monday, June 20, 2011

When I grow up.....

This week our theme at school is "When I grow Up."  Today we learned about Veterinarians......we started out by making "Pet Silhouettes".....
We started our by cutting out squares of scrapbook paper and dog and cat shapes....

Then the kids picked out pieces of scrapbook paper and a dog or cat and glued it onto the paper
They turned out pretty cute!

After the craft we had played "Veterinarian."  The kids brought in their stuffed animals from home to bring into the Home Base Vet....
X-rays and flu shots were given to all of the animals....
...animals with broken bones were bandaged.....

This dog had strep throat....

Yoda broke his ear...

Mr Ruff Ruff also had a broken ear.....

So did Pikachu!

This poor penguin had a shell stuck in his foot!

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